SleepCare™ Sleep Screener home sleep study diagnostic sleep test device is indicated for the screening of sleep disordered breathing. It records the following data:
• Patient respiratory oral and nasal airflow
• Snoring
• Blood oxygen saturation
• Pluse
• CPAP pressure
The sleep diagnostic device uses these recordings to generate a report for screening or for further clinical investigation.
Excellent Ergonomic Design
• Watch style, light weight and low electrical consumption
• 2-inch OLED, displays all parameters and waves in real time
• Icon operation, recording length and battery indication
• 24 hours embedded recording capacity and Micro-SD
Powerful Device for SDB
• 7 parameters: Sp0₂, pulse rate, airflow, snoring, CPAP pressure, battery and recording time
• Compliant with the level IV international sleep diagnosis standard
• Compliance evaluation of CPAP therapy
• Online instant test score
Abundant Applications
• Screening of SDB
• Evaluation of CPAP compliance
• Homecare of respiratory and pulmonary disease
SleepCare™ Sleep Screener home sleep study diagnostic sleep test device is quite simple and very accurate at diagnosing sleep breathing disorders such as snoring, sleep apnea/hypopnea, mouth breathing, sleep choking etc.
No need to wait on a long waiting list or have the inconvenience of spending a night in a sleep hospital.
Your diagnostic machine will be sent by courier with a full set of instructions. Once you have completed your test, please return the device and we will download your data and interpret the results for you.
RESmart Sleep Care Pulse Oximetry Airflow Brochure
RESmart Sleep Care Pulse Oximetry Airflow Catalogue
RESmart Sleep Care Pulse Oximetry Airflow User Manual
Pulse Oximetry with Airflow Sleep Test Brochure and Technical Data